
Sunday, April 15, 2012

Sustainable Sunday: Turnip Gratin

On this lovely Sustainable Sunday I'm watching Harold and Maude, pondering over cooking up a coffee version of these brigadeiros, and making a completely locally sourced meal from the turnips I found at the Keauhou Farmer's Market.

I'm also gearing up for a big trip to New York City this summer and trying to score some reasonable plane tickets. I can't wait to share with you what I find for Sustainable Sunday when I get to New York!

You know I've never had turnips before, cooking them is just like fixing potatoes. They have a slightly bitter taste, sort of like a radish, but much milder. The greens are edible too, as you'll see below.

Is anyone else out there making their own Sustainable Sunday meal? Or Monday? Or Everyday? I'd love to hear about it. Tweet me @SatswithMaggy using the hashtag #SustainableSunday or send me an email at if you are interested in having a recipe featured on the Sustainable Sunday series.

Hope you had a great weekend, see recipes below.

Turnip and Leek Gratin with Goat Cheese
Inspired by French Women Don't Get Fat
serves 4

3 turnips
1 leek
1 egg
3 oz goat cheese
2 TBL mac nut oil
1/3 cup mac nuts, crushed
salt & pepper to taste
green onions to garnish

Preheat oven to 400. Remove greens from turnips and reserve for recipe below. Peel turnips. Use a mandoline to slice the turnips and white part of the leek, or slice thinly. Steam turnips and leeks for 15 minutes.

Place steamed veggies in an 8x8 baking dish. In a smal bowl mix egg, goat cheese, mac nut oil and 1/2 of the mac nuts with a fork. Add some salt and pepper. Drizzle egg mixture over the veggies and top with remaining mac nuts.

Cook in oven for 15 minutes or until top is nice and browned. Enjoy!

Veggies, nuts and eggs found at the Keauhou Farmer's Market. Oil and cheese found at KTA.

Turnip Greens with Portuguese Sausage
serves 4

greens from 3 turnips
1 TBL mac nut oil
1/2 lb Portuguese sausage from When Pigs Fly Charcuterie
salt & pepper to taste

Heat a cast iron skillet over medium high heat. Add oil and sliced sausage and cook for 5 minutes or until both sides are browned.

While the sausage is cooking, remove the ribs from the turnip greens and wash the leaves well. You should have 10 cups or more of greens.

Add the greens to the skillet and turn heat down to medium. Add salt & pepper to taste. Saute for about 20 minutes or until greens have cooked down and are softened. Enjoy!

All ingredients found at the Keauhou Farmer's Market. Oil found at KTA.


  1. I've never had turnips before. What do they taste like? Like Daikon? I always see them in store and think, "how can I cook you?" LOL

    Congrats on the NYC trip. I've never been to NYC before. One of those places I plan on going to one day. I can't wait to hear all about it.

    1. they are a little bit like daikon, but even more mild - very similar to potato

  2. Yumminess! This is right up my alley. I love a good spiced sausage with any kind of sauteed greens and while I've never used turnips I can easily see going for this! I think it's really clever. I'll admit though, I've got some sort of brain barrier with them. I've tried all kinds of things within the past couple of years to expand my food horizons but I just can't cross over to the turnip lol. Sad isn't it? I love visiting your site. I always leave inspired. Because of you, the other day I tried experimenting and making my own beet, potato and lamb hash. It was so fun and super tasty!

  3. I love the sustainable sunday idea! Keep the recipes coming, I never know what to do with turnips so great to see them featured!


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