
Sunday, April 1, 2012

Sustainable Sunday - Leek Frittata & Salad with Papaya Dressing

Have you heard of Meatless Monday? A lot of people around the world are dedicated to reducing their meat intake by nixing it one day per week in order to save money, the earth, and their waistlines.

Ever since hosting a meal made entirely of locally sourced products, I couldn't help feeling like I should be making more of an effort to eat locally grown foods all the time. I considered switching over to a strictly locally grown diet, but knew that for me, it wasn't entirely realistic. Which brings us back to Meatless Monday. What if we committed to eating local one day per week?

The challenge: join us in Sustainable Sunday each week by preparing/eating a meal made entirely with locally sourced ingredients.

The rules: this will vary depending on where you live. Ideally you will eat foods grown/raised in your home state/province/region. Obviously this is a bit easier for those of us in Hawaii being blessed with year-round farmer's markets but for those that live in cold climates it could be a fun challenge to seek out those locally made products. It's up to you how far you want to take it. For example, I could buy shoyu or juice made here in Hawaii, however I know that some of the ingredients in those products are shipped in so I won't be including those products in my Sustainable Sunday meals. Please do whatever works for you, every little bit counts.

The fun: let's all share what we come up with for Sustainable Sunday! Use this hashtag: #sustainablesunday if you'd like to participate via twitter. Please share recipes, tips, and pictures, I'd love to see what you all come up with. I will also feature you/your blog if you'd like to submit a recipe or ideas to me. Email: gwenedwards82 [at] Let's do this!

Here is my very first Sustainable Sunday meal!

Leek and Pancetta Frittata
inspired by Martha Stewart
serves 4

1 leek, sliced
1 thick slice pancetta
1 TBL mac nut oil
sea salt
1 cup diced tomatoes
5 eggs, separated
green onion, to garnish

Preheat oven to 350. Heat an oven-proof skillet over medium heat. Add mac nut oil, pancetta, leeks, and some salt. Cover and cook for 5 minutes. Add tomatoes, cover again and cook for 2 minutes.

While the veggies are cooking, whip egg whites with a whisk. Martha wants stiff peaks, but I just whipped until frothy, about 5 minutes. If you want the frittata super fluffy, whip it good;) Whisk in the yolks and add some salt.

Pour eggs over veggies in skillet and cook, uncovered for about 3 minutes or until sides come away from the pan. Pop it in the oven for 15-20 minutes or until eggs are set. Enjoy!

All veggies, meat and eggs were found at the Keauhou Farmer's Market. Salt and mac nut oil were purchased at KTA.

Avocado Mac Nut Salad with Papaya Dressing
This salad was featured on Easy Natural Food
serves 4

salad greens for 4
1 ripe avocado
1/2 cup roasted, salted mac nuts, chopped
For dressing:
1/2 ripe papaya
1 lime
1/8 cup green onion, chopped (+ more for garnish)
1 tsp honey
sea salt
1/4 cup mac nut oil

In a food processor add papaya, lime juice, green onion, honey, and a dash of sea salt. Pulse a few times. Drizzle in oil and pulse again. Adjust seasoning to your liking, just remember adding honey gives it more zip, adding lime juice tones it down.

Add dressing to a bed of lettuce, avocado slices, and chopped mac nuts. Garnish with green onion. Enjoy!

All veggies, fruit, nuts, and honey were found at the Keauhou Farmer's Market. Salt and mac nut oil were purchased at KTA.


  1. Oh, this sounds like fun. I'm still debating if I can do it or not. I'm trying to save money for Europe, so I've been eating like an actual college student (ramen noodles). I absolutely love this concept.

    I love KTA! Every time I'm in Hilo, I always shop there. I ignore Safeway across the street (unless if KTA is closed, of course). I love the poke bar in the back and that one random aisle where you can buy fishing poles to keychains.

    Anyway, awesome recipe. I love frittata. I can't wait to try this recipe. You always have da bomb recipes! LOL

  2. This has no relevance to your post, but I thought you'd be proud. Last night I made potato gnocchi w/ sundried tomato pesto, pine nuts, and sauteed mushrooms. It was heaven. We were both too hungry to even attempt to take photos, but hopefully I'll do it again and share!

  3. This looks delicious! I especially like the sound of the dressing with papaya, yum yum! Thanks for sharing this with Summer Salad Sundays, look forward to seeing you again soon!


Aloha Saturdays with Maggy reader! Thank you for your comments, I love hearing your thoughts and feedback.