
Sunday, November 13, 2011

Don't Be Scared: Brussels Sprouts with Bulgur

I'm all about facing fears. Got certified to SCUBA dive even though I'm afraid of drowning and of the ocean. Took a job at a middle school last year even though tweens terrify me.

One fear I'd avoided facing in my adult life had been the brussels sprout. I was tortured with this vegetable as a young child. Our household growing up had a strict code of non-refusal. It just wasn't allowed to refuse food you were given. So I gagged my way through a brussels sprout or two, all the while my dad's words of encouragement to force down foods we didn't like was, "eat it! It makes ya regular!" Thanks dad, but staying regular is not a high priority for an eight-year-old.

But alas, like other foods I disliked as a child, I suspected my opinion of brussels sprouts would morph over time. So, heart in throat, I roasted some up.

 Not only are they the cutest little vegetable on the block, they are pretty tasty, and surprisingly versatile. Can't wait to experiment more with them.

What foods did you hate as a kid but have grown to love as an adult?

Brussels Sprouts with Bulgur
serves 2

For the sprouts:
1 pound brussels sprouts, stems removed and sliced in half
olive oil
balsamic vinegar
salt & pepper

For the bulgur:
2 TBL olive oil
1 clove garlic
1/2 tsp red pepper flakes
1 cup bulgar
salt & pepper
2 1/2 cup boiling water

parmesan cheese to serve

Heat oven to 375. In a bowl, toss the sprouts with the olive oil, vinegar, and some salt & pepper. I didn't specify amounts because you just need to eyeball this one as each sprout should be coated.

Place the sprouts cut side down in a baking dish and roast for 15 minutes. Turn sprouts over and roast for another 10 minutes.

While the sprouts are in the oven, heat a small sauce pan over medium high heat. Saute the garlic and pepper flakes in olive oil. Once the garlic becomes aromatic, add the dry bulgur and toast for 3-4 minutes. Turn off the heat, add the boiling water, cover, and allow to rest 20-30 minutes or until tender and water is absorbed. This may vary depending on the coarseness of your bulgur, coarser bulgur will need to sit longer, and you may need to drain off some of the liquid when ready.

To serve, place some bulgur on a plate, top with brussels sprouts, and grate some parmesan over all. Enjoy!


  1. Brussel sprouts, onions, and cabbage were my nemesis growing up. Now, I love them all. Bizarre how that happens right?

    I'd love to do a hot chocolate post but I honestly have no clue where to start. Every hot chocolate I've tried to make from scratch has turned out awful. So depressing but so true! I've been scouring the shelves at the store because I'm just about obsessed with getting some that's really unique and special.

  2. Yummm... looks amazing! I've always love brussel sprouts, actually.

    I was a very picky eater as a child. Pasta with butter for most meals. Now, I am having a hard time thinking about foods I don't eat. Isn't it funny how taste buds change over time!

  3. Yum! Looks so good. I've never tried bulger...hmm I really hated broccoli growing up - of course it didn't help that my mom always overcooked it. I also really disliked mustard - really a condiment, not a food. Now I really enjoy broccoli, when it's not overcooked, and I can't imagine a ham sandwich without mustard - and I love honey-dijon dressing!


Aloha Saturdays with Maggy reader! Thank you for your comments, I love hearing your thoughts and feedback.