
Saturday, July 2, 2011

Volcano Escape: Backpacking Adventure

Just got back from a solo backpacking trek through Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. Feet are sore, muscles stiff, and soul brimming after the just shy of an 8 mile hike into Halape, a magical beach surrounded by stark lava. The hike was hot, but the beach was so good. Two days of bliss.

Lovely campsite under a palm, not another person (but lots of souls) around.

Lunch on stone table and chairs. Maybe a game of Hawaiian checkers?

While looking for petroglyphs (Hawaiian rock carvings) in the lava, I happened upon another beach, tucked between cliff and lava. Magic beach.

Took a few dips in the brackish ponds, hidden in deep fissures, and filled with gold, which I think is some kind of algae.

Surrounded by tiki carved from old palm tree stumps, I felt protected, even from scorpions like the one that crawled on the outside (phew!) of my tent.

With the beach all to myself, it was time to get a real tan. And explore the most pristine tide pools I've ever seen.

So I got a little lost on the hike out, no matter, it gave me a new perspective on the place, and I found a trail that wasn't on the map!

Where are your favorite escapes?

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Aloha Saturdays with Maggy reader! Thank you for your comments, I love hearing your thoughts and feedback.