
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Journal Day

Here's this week's prompt (all prompts come from Sometimes Sweet):

The older we get, the more certain we get about who we are and what our purpose is.  For me, a lot of it is still unknown, but as I make my way down my own path, I have begun to realize that there are indeed some inevitable truths that I know for sure. On your own blog, write a post that talks about "the one thing you know for sure."

As an avid "O" magazine reader and Oprah fan in general, I've often wondered how to respond if Oprah asked me what I knew "for sure." Now that this topic has come up as the Journal Day prompt, my answer comes easy. The one thing I know for sure is that love is infinite. 

Love itself is a great truth, but for me, learning and then knowing that the love I have to give and receive never ends, is a truth that comforts and answers every question. Knowing that love goes on and on allows me to charge, unscathed, through this sometimes brutal and incomprehensible life. 

You see I've always gotten attached to people, all kinds of people, in ways that made no sense to me. If my feelings weren't reciprocated I'd feel abandoned and rejected. And I'm not just talking about boyfriends here, but friends, teachers, strangers I'd meet that I knew I'd never see again. In my little world, this can be explained as knowing and loving them in a past life...or something like that. So now when it happens, this random love, I can cope because I can love each person I meet deeply and it never depletes my ability to love again and again. Faced with rejection or circumstance, I'm doing ok because whatever happens, good or bad, love is something that cannot be taken away from me. 

I find this so comforting because I do not, as they say, have only so much love to give. I have all the love to give that ever was and ever will be. 

Be sure to share your journal entry with me by placing your blog link in "comments" below. 

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